[REPORT] Consumers Enter COVID-19 Next Normal

An update to our COVID-19 Content Consumption Impact Report.

Over the past several weeks the way we interact with the world has changed at a rapid pace. While fallout from COVID-19 continues to settle, new research from the Nativo Research & Analytics team illustrates how consumers are adjusting to the current climate.

This poses the question: What does consumer content consumption look like in this next normal?

Consumer Interest Expands Beyond COVID-19 Content

Mid-March saw an increase in content consumption right after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global pandemic. Consumption levels remained elevated during the rest of the month as consumers sought additional information on the virus.

During the week of March 30, new patterns emerged. Consumer interest in COVID-19 news content began leveling out, particularly on mobile, as consumers acclimated to a new reality. Since April 5, consumer interest in COVID-19 content has remained below its March average as readers look beyond the news.

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What this means for your advertising strategy: This is a strong indicator that consumers have entered the next normal. Consumer interest is extending beyond COVID-19 content alone. While your brand messaging should remain sensitive to the current environment, the next few weeks can act as a catalyst for refocusing your strategy on evergreen content that meets the needs of your core audience.

Key Verticals See Renewed Engagement

As consumers expand interest beyond COVID-19 content, core vertical content such as food & drink, home & garden and health & fitness is witnessing a resurgence across our marketplace of premium publishers.

This renewed interest isn’t surprising. In this next normal, shelter in place orders have motivated consumers to seek alternative methods of procuring necessary supplies and to identify entertainment and activities they can do alone and indoors.

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What this means for your advertising strategy: This is an early description of what the next normal looks like: sustained interest in food & drink as well as health & fitness and recovered interest in home & garden. While most brands have recently - and rightfully - been cautious in-market, now is the best time to deploy a content strategy across these verticals. Doing so will provide brands authentic opportunities to reach consumers where they are actively engaged.

Consumers Are Online More

Prior to the spread of the novel coronavirus across the United States we saw consumer content consumption lagging on weekends. Now, consumers are engaging with content at an elevated rate during the same period.

Increased time at home has led to more flexible schedules and the limitations on visiting friends and family in person is driving consumers to online sources of entertainment during off hours.

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What this means for your advertising strategy: Consumers are recalibrating their daily routines by seeking online alternatives. This always-on consumer mentality creates increased opportunity for brand interactions across the open web. Identify how your brand can best serve as a current resource to your core audience and mimic their consumption patterns with your distribution strategy.

Additional Information on COVID-19 Content Consumption Trends

COVID-19 has left a seismic imprint on our lives. As consumers adjust, it's imperative that brands provide the right content, to the right audience, at the right time. For additional advice on suggested next steps in this next normal, reach out below or email advertising@nativo.com.



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