Elevate Your Content Marketing Measurement

Watch our on-demand webinar to learn how to go above and beyond basic metrics to understand true engagement and consideration

Digital measurement has evolved. Traditional attribution metric methods (such as last touch or cookie-dependent) are now considered limited. For content marketers to drive meaningful conversions, they need to rely less on simple viewability metrics and begin to implement advanced strategies that capture the full spectrum of consumer interaction.

Discover how to go above and beyond basic metrics to understand true engagement and consideration from Greg Friend, Nativo’s VP of content, insights and strategy. You’ll find out:

  • The future of digital measurement, including new approaches you can implement today to provide a more holistic view of consumer behavior
  • How to shift from viewability to attention and why deeper engagement metrics are essential for accurate measurement
  • The shortcomings of last-touch attribution and cookie-dependent models, and which alternative measurement approaches work best

Fill out the form below to download the full webinar.



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